August 9, 2022


I hope everyone is having a wonderful and not too hot summer!  If it is hot, just think that fall is just around the corner.  Fall is my favorite season; school supplies are on sale, the garden is still growing, trees are changing color and it may be time to start a new project.  😊

But for right now, we need to plan the rest of the year. 

So please mark your calendars:

September 13, 2022 – 5:00 pm – zoom CE presentation on Vaccine Updates

November 4, 2022 – 9:30 am – 1:30 pm – Wisdom in the Winery is back with a new time!        Serving Lunch instead of breakfast.

I realize there are now many places to get CE, even from the comfort of you couch while wearing pajamas and free!!  But there is something to be said for a personal connection with others who do the same type of work, understand the unique problems, and get a chance to learn new things together. 

Our webpage had gotten a face lift, so please take a minute to explore and come back for more information on our upcoming events.  Please also “Cheddar Up” and join.  It’s a great bargain for $40.00 a year – you get membership to both SCAOHN and CSAOHN.  If you join through AAOHN and choose SCAOHN that will work as well.  Another benefit is that members may be eligible for consideration for educational scholarships (more information coming)

It’s that time of year to get new volunteers for the SCAOHN Board.   

Tangible benefits:

  • Paid AAOHN membership
  • Eligible for partial reimbursement for travel and accommodation to SCAOHN events, up to 2 events per year

Intangible benefits:

  • Holding a board position helps with leadership skills, time management, networking and expands your occupational health outlook.
  • Holding a board position will also help foster comprehensive knowledge of prevention strategies in occupational health and create relationships that can be subject matter resources.

Please e-mail or call if you are interested in becoming a member of the board….we need you!

The last five years have been hard on our organization, California used to have 9 different chapters of Occupational Health Nurses, but we are now down to 2 (Northern and Southern).  More nurses are moving out of the hospital setting and into Occupational Health.  This opens an opportunity for many of us to help our new colleagues.  Would you like to volunteer to help create an Occupational Health Video library to put on our website?

So, lots of things going on!  Enjoy the rest of the summer and I’ll hopefully see you in September on Zoom!

Julie Rochefort

SCAOHN President

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